At Lambourn Primary School, we value all our students equally as individuals who have a wide range of ability and learning needs. We aim to remove barriers that may hinder students learning in order to provide them with the best opportunities to develop their interests and strengths and to meet their full potential, regardless of need.
Mrs Stapley our SENDCo (Special Needs and Disabilities Coordinator) supports the class teacher in identifying the additional needs of children through observation, assessment and discussions with parents, carers and previous schools. In the first instance, the class teacher develops individually tailored learning through differentiation, supported by learning programmes that take place outside of the classroom for small groups or as 1:1. These are led by our experienced team of support staff. We have a range of interventions in place that enhance the learning in phonics, literacy, maths and emotional well -being.
When necessary, the SENDCo will contact the outside agencies available to West Berkshire schools. They provide us with help and support to ensure we are providing the best learning experience for our pupils.
At every stage of the process we consult with parents who are invited into school to meet with the SENDCo and class teacher. We believe it is vital to maintain positive working relationships with parents in order to best meet the needs of the children.
If you have concerns about your child’s specific learning needs, please contact Mrs Stapley at via the school office 01488 71479
A named governor, Catherine Mills, is responsible for monitoring Special Educational Needs provision; she does this through termly focus visits and reports to governors.